Getting Into God’s Word
Have you ever gone through a season where getting into God’s Word just felt hard? It can be overwhelming at times. I mean, Jamie wouldn’t need to have created a Books of the Bible Tracker Page if it wasn’t a big undertaking! And yet… there is absolutely nothing more worthy of our time and attention. God’s Word brings life, hope, peace, and reassurance of His limitless devotion to us. In the seasons when it feels hard, He is there right where He has always been… inviting us to draw near.
In my experience, our Bible study habits and approaches can be different depending on what season of life we are in. Our Heavenly Father promises us that His Word is living and active – which means it doesn’t depend on my understanding or somehow become more effective if I approach it in a certain way. There are seasons of deep study and seasons of just letting the Word wash over us as we read. There are times of having companions to study with, and times when we will feel very much alone (even though we never are!). One thing remains constant throughout all of this: the Word.
The SOAP Bible Study method
One of the tools I have returned to several times throughout my adult life is the SOAP Bible Study method. This was something I was introduced to as a new mom who was surviving on very little sleep and a lot of coffee. I loved having a formula of sorts to help me focus during that season where my brain was all over the place when left to its own devices. It also made it really easy to engage with a group of friends also using the same method so we could encourage each other and share what we were learning.
The acronym stands for:
I recently introduced my little sister to this concept, and created a bookmark for her to use as we studied together in this way. I thought I would share it with the lovely Pure Joy Creative community as well. Part of what I love about working with Jamie is that she continually inspires me to look for beauty and focus on the Word. She encourages me to be creative in a way that has a purpose, and we all need friends like that!
Free Printable Bookmarks
This download has 3 bookmarks per page, so you can keep one and pass a couple on to friends. Just click the image above to download! It is my prayer that it helps when you are in a season where having a formula for study is a good approach. There is no one right way to engage with God’s Word, and it is a gift to be able to share what works with each other. I would love to hear about things that have worked for you in the comments below!
The post GUEST POST: SOAP Bible Study Help – Free Printable appeared first on Pure Joy Creative.