Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16
It is so easy to just drift through life sometimes. We know the basic things we need to accomplish… eat, sleep, earn a living, care for children, try not to get sucked in to too much doom scrolling… and we go through each day just trying to keep things afloat. We may have the urge to do better, but the endless distractions all around us make it hard to focus.
Then sometimes we go too far in the other direction. We spend hours searching for the perfect organization system and download every tracker and cheat sheet we can find. We get so focused on planning out every little detail that we miss the little moments or get completely derailed when plans don’t work out.
I personally tend to bounce back and forth between the two extremes. However, over time I have learned to bounce a little less. I am learning (far too slowly for my liking) how to steward my time in a way that combines purpose and grace. I have also learned that, for me, it is important to take a few moments each day to jot things down.
Depending on the season I am in I have different needs as far as what that looks like. And, let’s be honest… I am more likely to do it if I have a pretty place to record things. I have learned that I am not necessarily a dated planner person. It drives me crazy to see empty days and that keeps me from just starting again. So printables are perfect for me!
I love the idea of having Jamie’s designs in front of me when I sit down to focus. By keeping God’s Word there on the page, I can remember that ultimately it is about serving Him and resting in the grace He freely gives. These new planner pages are just right for that! To get you started, you can get a copy of this basic planner page for free by clicking the image below.
There are so many possibilities with planners… everyone is looking for something a little different. I would love to hear what YOU would put on your perfect planner page! Comment on this post to help us figure out what pages to design next. We will randomly select one comment on March 1st and that person will receive a special gift!
View all of the planner page offerings in the shop!
The post GUEST POST: Making the Best Use of the Time appeared first on Pure Joy Creative.